
Retirement Income Style Assessment

The R.I.S. diagnostic helps you determine the right way to tailor your retirement income to your preferences and personality. This process can save you time and avoid mistakes. At the conclusion, you will receive personalized feedback and practical solutions.

Estimated time to complete: 5 minutes

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How comfortable are you with relying on market returns for all your retirement income success?

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Do you feel a desire for protected sources of retirement income in case your investment portfolio doesn't perform as expected during your retirement?

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Do you prefer a flexible retirement income strategy over retirement income consistency?

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How do you value strategies that remove the need to continually revisit your retirement income choices?

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I can readily achieve my financial goals without assistance.

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Obtaining the perspective and assistance of a good financial advisor is an asset to my overall retirement plan.

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How much of your essential retirement costs will be paid from steady income streams? Dependable sources include Social Security, pensions, annuities, and bond ladders.

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I am concerned about maintaining reserves for suprise expenses. For example, unexpected illness, unexpected death, large repairs and family emergencies.

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Leaving a legacy is NOT important to me. For example, a gift of money, a strong culture, or a lasting change in your community.

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Outliving my assets is a serious concern to me.

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In retirement, my top priorities include travel, self-improvement, social engagement, and family time. Meeting daily expenses, including housing and healthcare, is not a concern.

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