What it costs

A flat annual fee based on the services provided, not your net worth.

  • Level 1
  • $7,200/Year
  • Level 1 clients are usually long-time savers approaching or in retirement. Most of their investments are held in retirement accounts (401k or IRAs). They are looking for help deciding if they have enough to retire and managing their investments through retirement. They also often have questions around things like taxes, debt, social security, and health insurance.
  • Level 2
  • $10,200/Year
  • Level 2 clients usually have (or had) high incomes. Because of this, they have significant investments outside of retirement accounts. These taxable investment accounts require more careful and custom management to avoid unwanted capital gains. Many Level 2 clients also have additional planning needs, such as gifting of appreciated assets and Roth conversions.
  • Level 3
  • $13,200/Year
  • Level 3 clients have particularly complex financial lives. They often have a half dozen or more investment accounts, as well as real estate or private equity investments. Many are (or were) business owners, executives, or startup employees with high and complex incomes. Some have special trusts and foundations to protect assets and leave a legacy.

Fees are deducted from your investment accounts under our management at Charles Schwab after the end of the quarter.

Unlike many advisors, the ongoing fee is not tied to the amount of your investable assets. Most advisors who base their fees on assets under management charge between 0.8% to 1.5% per year. On an account size of $1,000,000, the annual fee would be between $8,000 to $15,000 per year. And the larger the account, the higher the fee…even if it isn’t any more work!

Think Schwab or Vanguard’s 0.35% advice is a better deal? If your investable assets are over $3,000,000, your advisory fee is at least $10,500 per year and they’re not able to offer tax advice… One of the major levers available to you in retirement.

For whom is this service best

Our clients are looking for a long-term partnership with a trusted expert – not a high-pressure sales pitch, hot stock tip, or get-rich-quick scheme.

Our services are designed for those approaching or in retirement (or younger clients who are at or near financial independence). Who would also like to have a trusted fiduciary partner for ongoing financial, tax, and investment decisions.

It is usually the most cost-effective for people with investable assets of $1,000,000 or more. It’s not the right fit for those with net worth in excess of $10,000,000.